Sunday, February 7, 2010

Party Time

We had a party last night. I spent the day cleaning and preparing food and such. I also fit in my two hour nap as per my Saturday ritual. We had such a great time at the party. I Would not have been able to get what I got accomplished with a 1 year old strapped to my hip or a 5 year old wanting to go skating. If there were kids involved I would have spent the night making sure they were ok whether they were there or not. Instead I spent the night enjoying my friends. I had the best time I have had in a while!

I think we are getting to the stage where there will be fewer and fewer of these types of parties, as more and more of my friends start having children. And even though none of the people there last night had any children they did spend part of the night talking about having children and how much they are looking forward to it.

Now it is 9am and my husband and I are taking this opportunity to stay in bed later than 6am and just enjoy each other's company. And I am enjoying it!

Monday, February 1, 2010


I got up at 6:15am this morning... walked the dogs, made breakfast, made lunches and got ready for work... I did not have time to have a shower. I imagine that if there were a child involved in this mornings routine that it would have me waking up at 5am in order to get this all done. I only wake up at 5am in the summer, and that is so that I can get a run in before work. It is now 8am and I have to leave for work, I can barely manage my husbands and my time in the morning and get us off to work on time... I doubt I would be able to handle having to deal with a kid as well!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Afternoon naps!

So I had a nap from 4:30pm to 7pm tonight and the only interruption I got was from my husband who had wondered where I had disappeared to. I love to nap, I try to have a nap every Saturday and Sunday. When I do not get a chance to nap on the weekends I get a little upset, I am very busy during the week and I like to use my naps to play catchup on my sleep. Having children would severely diminish my ability to have afternoon naps!